Companion Website to

Welcome to Plural Publishing's companion website, intended to enhance your use of the text Psychoacoustics by Jennifer J. Lentz.

About the Book

Psychoacoustics: Perception of Normal and Impaired Hearing with Audiology Applications provides an overview of the field of psychoacoustics, with a primary focus on auditory perception. The influence of hearing loss on these general auditory abilities is discussed in every chapter. Components of the book also include the role of psychoacoustics in audiological assessment and treatment. Psychoacoustics is ideal for graduate students in audiology, who intend a clinical career and need an understanding of both normal and impaired auditory perception. It is intended to give students sufficient information to understand how the ear achieves auditory perception, what the capabilities of the ear are, and how hearing loss influences that perception. It also provides students with a foundation for further study in the area and to apply psychoacoustic principles to diagnostic audiology and audiological rehabilitation.

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