Plural Publishing produces leading academic, scientific and clinical publications in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and otolaryngology.


The Company
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What is the history of Plural?
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Publishing with Plural
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Plural Publishing?

I have a completed product that I am interested in
distributing with Plural. Who do I contact?

How do I contact Plural's editorial team?

Rights and Permissions
Where can I learn more about Course Packs?
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Who do I contact about translating one of Plural's publications into another language?

How do I contact Plural's marketing team?
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I am writing for Plural--who should I speak with
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How do I review a Plural publication?

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International Orders
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Ordering information
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Exam/Review Copies
What is the difference between an Exam Copy
and a Review Copy?

Which books are available as exam or review copies?
How to submit a request?
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Mailing List
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