Plural Publishing produces leading academic, scientific and clinical publications in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and otolaryngology.

Marketing and Sales

Plural Publishing's capability to effectively promote and market its publications both nationally and internationally is the company's most powerful asset. Plural's unique marketing techniques allow the company to expose its publications like no other publishing company by targeting specific and appropriate audiences for each publication.

Retail Marketing: Plural Publishing Inc. has teams of representatives around the world. Bookshops, wholesalers and library suppliers are visited on a regular basis, according to need. Additionally, direct representation is made to key libraries and academic institutions.

Direct Marketing: Plural Publishing maintains contact with leading individuals in the profession of communication sciences and disorders on a personal basis. This allows us to target the marketing of specific publications to those individuals and institutions who we believe will be most interested and most likely to benefit. In addition to mailing information about new publications to targeted individuals based on area of interest and the topic of publication, Plural sends complimentary copies of textbooks to department heads at universities and places advertisements in discipline-specific magazines and learned journals. In all marketing techniques, Plural conforms to all of the principles and regulations required by data protection legislation.

E-Marketing: The Plural Publishing Inc. website is regularly updated with a complete catalog of publications. The essential aim of the site is threefold: to provide immediate access for retail partners seeking new product information and verifying product availability and price; to inform authors and casual visitors; and to offer a simplified and rapid selling service to all visitors. Plural Publishing Inc. invites existing and prospective customers to join optional special interest electronic mailing lists to receive the latest information on products and publications. Great care is taken not to intrude on our customers and prospects through unsolicited mail.

Advertising: Plural Publishing Inc. advertises in the main retail trade magazines as appropriate, as well as professional magazines and learned journals.

Books for Review: Plural Publishing Inc. routinely sends books for review in subject- or genre-specific magazines and learned journals.

Press and PR: Plural Publishing Inc. uses a mix of internal and external publicists and news agencies according to need. Books are sent for review to appropriate journals and print media, as well as the broadcast media. Promotional events and author signings may also be arranged.

Conferences and Exhibitions: Plural Publishing prioritizes conference and exhibition attendance around the globe, regardless of the size of the event. Plural attends gatherings from the major world book fairs (including the Frankfurt Book Fair, London International Book Fair and Book Expo America), to industry- and profession-specific meetings and conferences in order to meet the promotional needs of its authors and their publications. Booths, signage, and scheduled meetings with leading professionals allow Plural to connect with professors, clinicians and researchers who might benefit from Plural's publications. Additionally, the company may create display materials for authors at their own presentations.

Distribution: Plural books are distributed around the world from bases in the UK, USA, and Australia.

Foreign Rights: Plural Publishing Inc. liaises and meets with international publishers to sell rights to translate and publish in foreign languages. Generally, the key selling periods surround the American Book Association (ABA) and the Frankfurt and London Book Fairs.