Plural Publishing produces leading academic, scientific and clinical publications in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and otolaryngology.


Emotions in the Human Voice
Volume I Foundations

Krzysztof Izdebski
238 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Softcover, 7 x 10"
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This book introduces foundations of vocal examined emotions and the vocal expressions of affective states are included. Theoretical aspects of emotions in the human voice are, incorporating both historical perspectives as well as new theoretical approaches. Vocal aspects of affective states are approached from many points of view and linked with affective dimensions and categories. Discussed among the nonverbal cues is the role of pitch, loudness, spectrum and speech rate. Findings are linked to the many fields that study emotions. The volume also discusses what constitutes an emotion, the function of the emotions in our life, and what is vocally transmitted to comprehend these states.

  • Erotic and Orgasmic Vocalization: Myth, Reality, or Both?
    Krzysztof Izdebski
  • A Rationale for Exploring Vocal Pleasantness
    Deryle Lonsdale, Matthew P. Spackman, and Bruce L. Brown
  • A Unified Model of Cognition, Emotion, and Action and Its Relation to Vocally Encoded Cognitive-Affective States
    Branka Zei Pollermann and Krzysztof Izdebski
  • Anger or Fear? Cross-Cultural Multimodal Interpretations of Emotional Expressions
    Åsa Abelin
  • Brain Correlates of Vocal Emotional Processing in Men and Women
    Annett Schirmer and Elizabeth Simpson
  • Emotion-Related Vocal Acoustics: Cue-Configuration, Dimensional, and Affect-Induction Perspectives
    Jo-Anne Bachorowski and Michael J. Owren
  • Emotions in Spoken Finnish: Cues for the Human Listener and the Computer
    Juhani Toivanen, Tapio Seppänen, and Eero Väyrynen
  • Judgments of the Affective Valence of Spontaneous Vocalizations: The Influence of Situational Context
    Arvid Kappas and Natalia Poliakova
  • Modification of Emotional Speech and Voice Quality Based on Changes to the Vocal Tract Structure
    Brad H. Story
  • Perception of Emotions Expressed via Speech and Nonlinguistic Vocalizations
    Shirley Fecteau and Pascal Belin
  • Research on Vocal Expression of Emotion: State of the Art and Future Directions
    Petri Laukka
  • The Role of Voice in the Expression and Perception of Emotions
    Anne-Maria Laukkanen, Paavo Alku, Matti Airas, and Teija Waaramaa
  • Universality and Diversity in the Vocalization of Emotions
    Jörg Zinken, Monja Knoll, and Jaak Panksepp
  • Voice Fundamental Frequency Changes as a Function of Foreign Languages Familiarity: An Emotional Effect?
    Kati Järvinen, Anne-Maria Laukkanen, and Krzysztof Izdebski
  • Voice and Affect in Speech Communication
    Geneviève Caelen-Haumont and Branka Zei Pollermann
  • Index

About The Author

Krzysztof Izdebski

Krzysztof Izdebski, PhD, Chairman, Pacific Voice and Speech Foundation, SF, CA, USA; Clinical Associate Professor, Dept of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA; Fellow, ASHA, USA; Founding Member: The World Voice Consortium, Oporto, Portugal; Honorary Member: Fundation Mexicana de la Voz.