Plural Publishing produces leading academic, scientific and clinical publications in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and otolaryngology.



Robert F. Burkard, PhD

Robert Burkard, PhD, CCC-A is Professor and Chair, Department of Rehabilitation Science, at the University at Buffalo. He earned his BS in Communication Disorders at Buffalo State College, and his MS and PhD in Audiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He did a post-doc in the Department of Biology at Washington University. His first faculty position (Assistant then Associate Professor) was in the Department of Communication Disorders at Boston University. He moved to the University at Buffalo, where he was an Associate then Full Professor, in the Departments of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, and Otolaryngology. He moved to the Department of Rehabilitation Science, in the School of Public Health and Health Professions, in 2006.

His scholarly interests include acoustics and calibration, auditory physiology, and (more recently) vestibular function and balance. His research in auditory physiology has focused on human and animal auditory evoked potentials, but includes some single-unit electrophysiology and functional imaging studies. He has served as Editor for the American Journal of Audiology, was the Audiology co-Chair of the 2007 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Annual Convention in Boston, has served as vice Chair and Chair of the American National Standards (ANSI) S3 Bioacoustics Accredited Standards Committee, and currently serves as a member of the ASHA Health Care Economics Committee.

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