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Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience Bundle

Kelly L. Tremblay, Robert F. Burkard, PhD
Color Illustrations (4 Color), Hardcover, 8.5 x 11"
Release Date:


Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience is a three-volume book series. To order all three books as a bundle, order them on this page.

Douglas L. Beck, AuD, interviews Dr. Tremblay for the AAA website. Read the interview here.

The first book, Normal Aspects of Hearing, starts out with a chapter on acoustics, and the rest of the book focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the peripheral and central auditory systems in a rather traditional manner: from caudal through rostral levels, ending with the descending auditory system. Note that these chapters, for the most part, review topic areas that are best considered basic research and are not translational in nature. However, the final section attempts to tie perception to the underlying physiologic responses, and chapters are parsed into stimulus factors (such as intensity, frequency, binaural stimulation, and complex sounds).

The second book, Hearing Across the Life span — Assessment and Disorders, reviews is known about the developing auditory system, what happens as we age, as well as a brief synopsis of the disordered auditory system. These aspects of human perception are then extended by the discussion of state of the art noninvasive physiologic measures of hearing. Many of these measures are tools used to assay the auditory system in applied research studies, as well as used in the clinical evaluation of subjects.

The third book, Special Topics, and provides "translational" perspectives on current topics in hearing science.

All three books in the series are also available to purchase individually. To view information about each book or purchase them separately, click on the "Related Titles" tab above.

Normal Aspects of Hearing

1. Introduction
Kelly Tremblay and Robert Burkard
2. Physics of Sound
Robert Burkard and Kathleen McNerney

Section I – Anatomy and Physiology
3. Peripheral Anatomy and Physiology—Outer and Middle Ear
John Rosowski
4. Anatomy and Physiology of the Cochlea
Robert V. Harrison
5. Peripheral Anatomy and Physiology
Laurel H. Carney
6. Central Anatomy and Physiology—Cochlear Nuclei
Aage Moller
7. The Superior Olivary Complex
Shigeyuki Kuwada and Tom C. T. Yin
8. The Lateral Lemniscus and Inferior Colliculus
Bradford J. May
9. The Medical Geniculate Body
Edward L. Bartlett
10. Auditory Cortex—Anatomy and Physiology
John F. Brugge
11. Efferent System
John J. Guinan, Jr.

Section II – Functioning Systems: Physiological Correlates of Perception
12. Perceptual Correlates of Frequency Coding in the Auditory System
Andrew J. Oxenham and Magdalena Wojtczak
13. Intensity Coding Throughout the Auditory System
Michael G. Heinz
14. Binaural Hearing, Sound Localization, and Spatial Hearing
G. C. Stecker and F. J. Gallun
15. Complex Sound Encoding—Vowels and Consonants
Donal G. Sinex

Hearing Across the Life Span - Assessment and Disorders

Section I—Life Span and Disordered Hearing
1. Hearing Loss: Conductive and Sensorineural
Mark Chertoff and Dana Jacobson
2. Maturation of the Auditory System
Lori J. Leibold and Lynne A. Werner
3. The Aging Auditory System
Curtis Billings, Kelly Tremblay, and James Willott

Section II—Physiological Assessment of Audition
4. Physiological Mechanisms Assessed by Aural Acoustic Transfer Functions
M. P. Feeney and D. H. Keefe
5. Otoacoustic Emissions—Mechanisms and Applications
Christopher A. Shera and Carolina Abdala
6. The Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
Robert Burkard and Manuel Don
7. Physiological Mechanisms Underlying ASSRs
Susan A. Small and Andrew Dimitrijevic
8. Physiological Mechanisms Underlying MLRs and Cortical EPs
Hillel Pratt and Guy Lightfoot
9. Fundamental Principles Underlying Magnetic MRI and Functional MRI
Deborah A. Hall and Dominik C. Wild

Special Topics

1. Current Issues in Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Kevin K. Ohlemiller
2. Current Issues in Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder
Linda J. Hood and Thierry Morlet
3. Time and Timing in Audition: Some Current Issues in Auditory Temporal Processing
Dennis P. Phillips
4. Translational Perspectives: Current Issues in Inner Ear Regeneration
Jennifer S. Stone and Clifford R. Hume
5. Current Issues in Tinnitus
Jos J. Eggermont
6. Current Issues in Auditory Plasticity and Auditory Training
Kelly Tremblay and David Moore

About The Authors

Kelly L. Tremblay

Kelly L. Tremblay is a Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, and an Affiliate of the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center at the University of Washington.

Robert F. Burkard, PhD

Professor and Chair, Rehabilitation Science, University at Buffalo.