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Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience
Hearing Across the Life Span - Assessment and Disorders

Kelly L. Tremblay, Robert F. Burkard, PhD
336 pages, Color Illustrations (4 Color), Hardcover, 8.5 x 11"
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Hearing Across the Lifespan-Assessment and Disorders is the second book in a three-book series series focused on Translational Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience.

Douglas L. Beck, AuD, interviews Dr. Tremblay for the AAA website. Read the interview here.

The book reviews what is known about the developing auditory system, what happens as we age, as well as a brief synopsis of the disordered auditory system. These aspects of human perception are then extended by the discussion of state of the art noninvasive physiologic measures of hearing. Many of these measures are tools used to assay the auditory system in applied research studies, as well as used in the clinical evaluation of subjects.

The first book in the series is Normal Aspects of Hearing.

The third book is entitled Special Topics and provides "translational" perspectives on current topics in hearing science.

All three books in the series are also available to purchase as a bundle.

To view information about books 1 and 3, and the bundle, click on the "Related Titles" tab above.


  • Mridula Sharma, Macquarie University, The HEARing Cooperative Research Centre, International Journal of Audiology (2013):
    "Translational research is the bridge that connects research and clinical practice and at present there is a lot of interest in this field. As Dr. Tremblay identified...scientists and clinicians are often driven by very different perspectives. Sadly, there are not many books in audiology that address the question of translational research and hence the arrival of the books edited by Drs. Tremblay and Burkard are very timely. The themes within each chapter pertain to common clinical findings and the authors have maintained a style that is easy to read...A number of books are currently available on objective techniques for investigating auditory function, but the emphasis on the translation of these techniques into clinical practice makes this book very topical and [a] useful addition to the literature...linking research and clinical perspectives in an accessible format. Students, practicing audiologists, and researchers would certainly benefit from this text..."

Section I—Life Span and Disordered Hearing
1. Hearing Loss: Conductive and Sensorineural
Mark Chertoff and Dana Jacobson
2. Maturation of the Auditory System
Lori J. Leibold and Lynne A. Werner
3. The Aging Auditory System
Curtis Billings, Kelly Tremblay, and James Willott

Section II—Physiological Assessment of Audition
4. Physiological Mechanisms Assessed by Aural Acoustic Transfer Functions
M. P. Feeney and D. H. Keefe
5. Otoacoustic Emissions—Mechanisms and Applications
Christopher A. Shera and Carolina Abdala
6. The Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
Robert Burkard and Manuel Don
7. Physiological Mechanisms Underlying ASSRs
Susan A. Small and Andrew Dimitrijevic
8. Physiological Mechanisms Underlying MLRs and Cortical EPs
Hillel Pratt and Guy Lightfoot
9. Fundamental Principles Underlying Magnetic MRI and Functional MRI
Deborah A. Hall and Dominik C. Wild

About The Authors

Kelly L. Tremblay

Kelly L. Tremblay is a Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences, and an Affiliate of the Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center at the University of Washington.

Robert F. Burkard, PhD

Professor and Chair, Rehabilitation Science, University at Buffalo.