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Classifications in Facial Plastic Surgery

Paul James Oxley
225 pages, Color Illustrations (4 Color), Hardcover, 7 x 10"
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This is the first clinical reference to a clearly and concisely lay out all the commonly used and rarer classification systems for facial plastic surgery, explanations as to their use. Coverage includes the staging of oral and cutaneous cancers, types of cleft lips and palates, and severity of facial injuries, among others. Each classification system is accompanied by an explanation of its use and a citation of the original article in the literature, and will be evaluated with respect to its use in research, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and research. Each will also include brief commentaries by experts in the respective field, an academic surgeon and a community surgeon. All of the major fields within facial plastic surgery are incorporated and, within each, anything up to 30 classifications are included.

  • Foreword by John B. Mulliken
  • Preface
  • Acquired
    • Ectropion
    • Möbius Syndrome
      Comments by Dr. Cindy Verchere
    • Nasal Septum Deviation
      Comments by Dr. Nick Carr
    • TMJ Disc Disease
      Comments by Dr. Doug Courtemanche
  • Cancer
    • Numeric Classification of Cervical Lymph Nodes
    • Breslow’s Classification of Melanoma Depth
      ''Comments by Dr. Richard Crawford
    • Clark’s Classification of Melanoma Depth
      Comments by Dr. Richard Crawford
    • Melanoma Staging
      Comments by Dr. Richard Crawford
    • TNM Classification of Malignant Melanoma
      Comments by Dr. Richard Crawford
    • Head and Neck Tumor Staging
    • Histologic Classification of Salivary Gland Tumors
      Comments by Dr. Richard Crawford
    • Salivary Gland Tumor Staging
    • TNM Classification of Head and Neck Tumors
      Comments by Dr. Martin Jugenburg and Dr. Andrea Pusic
    • TNM Classification of Salivary Tumors
      Comments by Dr. Colleen McCarthy
  • Congenital
    • Cleft Lip Alveolus
      Comments by Dr. Cindy Verchere
    • Tanzer Classification of Constricted Ear
      Comments by Dr. Doug Courtemanche
    • Craniofacial Microsomia
    • Encephaloceles
      Comments by Dr. Navraj Singh Heran and Dr. Kevin L. Bush
    • Frontoethmoidal Encephalomeningocele
      Comments by Dr. Navraj Singh Heran and Dr. Doug Courtemanche
    • Hemifacial Microsomia—Ear Anomalies
      Comments by Dr. Gordon Wilkes
    • Mandibular Deformity in Hemifacial Microsomia
      Comments by Dr. Gordon Wilkes
    • Hemifacial Microsomia—Multisystem
      Comments by Dr. Cindy Verchere
    • Unilateral Craniofacial Microsomia
    • OMENS-Plus
    • Hypertelorism (Munro)
      Comments by Dr. Kevin L. Bush
    • Hypertelorism
    • Hypertelorism (Tessier)
    • Kernahan Striped-Y
      Comments by Dr. Gordon Wilkes and Dr. Cindy Verchere
    • Modified Kernahan Striped-Y
      Comments by Dr. Cindy Verchere
    • Congenital Nasal Anomalies
      Comments by Dr. Cindy Verchere
    • Orbitotemporal Neurofibromatosis
      Comments by Dr. Kevin L. Bush
    • Plagiocephaly
      Comments by Dr. Navraj Singh Heran and Dr. Doug Courtemanche
    • Protruding Ears—Pitfalls and Shortcomings
      Comments by Dr. Oscar M. Ramirez
    • Prominent Ears
      Comments by Dr. Don Lalonde
    • Congenital Defects of Scalp and Calvarium
    • Tanzer Classification of Auricular Defects
      Comments by Dr. Gordon Wilkes
    • Tessier Classification of Craniofacial Clefts
      Comments by Dr. Kevin L. Bush
    • Van der Meulen Craniofacial Dysplasia
      Comments by Dr. Kevin L. Bush
    • Veau Classification
  • Cosmetic
    • Crows Feet
    • Face Lift (Baker)
      Comments by Dr. Don Guichon
    • Facial Wrinkling (Fitzpatrick)
      Comments by Dr. Don Guichon
    • Facial Wrinkling (Lemperle)
      Comments by Dr. Don Guichon
    • Fitzpatrick Classification
    • Goglau Classification
      Comments by Dr. Paul L. Schnur
    • Male Pattern Baldness
    • Norwood Classification
    • Hamilton Classification
      Comments by Dr. Don Guichon
    • Dermal Fillers
      Comments by Dr. Nick Carr
    • Foreign Body Reaction
      Comments by Dr. Richard Crawford
    • Injectable Fillers
    • Lateral Canthoplasty
    • Male Foreheadplasty
      Comments by Dr. Oscar Ramirez
    • Midfacial Aging
    • Neck Deformity
      Comments by Dr. Paul L. Schnur
    • Platysma Band Management
      Comments by Dr. Paul L. Schnur
    • Platysmal Banding
      Comments by Dr. Luis Vasconez
    • Asian Nose
      Comments by Dr. Nick Carr
    • Boxy Nasal Tip
      Comments by Dr. Nick Carr
    • Hispanic Rhinoplasty
      Comments by Dr. Paul L. Schnur
    • Nasal Tip Variations
      Comments by Dr. Oscar M. Ramirez
    • Nasal L-Strut Fractures
    • Subperiosteal Facial Rejuvenation Techniques
      Comments by Dr. Oscar M. Ramirez
  • Descriptive
    • Angle Classification
      Comments by Dr. David Naysmith
    • Malar Hypoplasia
    • Earlobe Ptosis
      Comments by Dr. Don Guichon
    • Jelks’ Classification
  • Nerve
    • Facial Paralysis
    • Sunderland Classification of Nerve Injury
    • Sunderland Classification of Neuromas
  • Reconstructive
    • Fasciocutaneous Flaps (Cormack and Lamberty)
      Comments by Dr. Martin Jugenburg and Dr. Andrea Pusic
    • Cutaneous Flaps
      Comments by Dr. Charles Snelling and Dr. Colleen McCarthy
    • Fasciocutaneous Flaps
      Comments by Dr. Colleen McCarthy
    • Hypopharynx Defect
      Comments by Dr. Martin Jugenburg, Dr. Andrea Pusic, Dr. Fu-Chan Wei, and Dr. Perry Liu
    • Fasciocutaneous Flaps (Mathes and Nahai)
      Comments by Dr. Fu-Chan Wei and Dr. Perry Liu
    • Muscle Flaps (Mathes and Nahai)
      Comments by Dr. Martin Jugenburg and Dr. Andrea Pusic
    • Maxillectomy and Midfacial Defect Reconstruction
      Comments by Dr. Colleen McCarthy, Dr. Fu-Chan Wei, and Dr. Perry Liu
    • Periorbital Surgical Zones
    • Venous Flaps (Thatte and Thatte)
    • Classifications of V-Y Plasty
      Comments by Dr. Adrian Lee
  • Trauma
    • Burn Alopecia
      Comments by Dr. E. E. Tredget
    • Burn Depth
      Comments by Dr. Charles Snelling and Dr. E. E. Tredget
    • Burn Type
      Comments by Dr. Charles Snelling and Dr. E. E. Tredget
    • Vancouver Burn Scar Score
      Comments by Dr. Doug Courtemanche and Dr. Charles Snelling
    • Facial Blunt Trauma Soft-Tissue Damage
    • Frontal Basilar Trauma
      Comments by Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
    • Glasgow Coma Scale
      Comments by Dr. Navraj Singh Heran
    • High Energy Ballistic and Avulsive Facial Injuries
      Comments by Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
    • Le Fort Classification
      Comments by Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
    • Mandible Fractures
      Comments by Dr. Robyn Watts and Dr. Kevin L. Bush
    • Nasal Deviation
      Comments by Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
    • Nasal Fractures
      Comments by Dr. Nick Carr
    • Naso-orbito-ethmoidal Complex Fractures
      Comments by Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
    • Palatal Fractures
      Comments by Dr. Rizwan Mian
    • Treatment of Palatal Fractures
      Comments by Dr. Robyn Watts
    • Zygoma Fractures
      Comments by Dr. Robyn Watts
  • Vascular Malformations and Hemangiomas
    • Schobinger Classification
      Comments by Dr. Doug Courtemanche
    • Vascular Anomalies of Infancy and Childhood
      Comments by Dr. Luis Vasconez
  • Terms
  • Index

About The Author

Paul James Oxley

Paul Oxley, MD, is a Plastic Surgeon currently working in Vancouver and Surrey, British Columbia.

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