Plural Publishing produces leading academic, scientific and clinical publications in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and otolaryngology.

Genetic Syndromes and Communication Disorders

Goal and Scope

Robert J. Shprintzen, Ph.D., Series Editor

Director, Communication Disorder Unit
Director, Center for Genetic Communicative Disorders
Director, Center for the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Study of Velo-Cardio-Facial Syndrome
Professor of Otolaryngology and Communication Science
Professor of Pediatrics
Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA

"When Dr. Singh asked me to be a Series Editor for a grouping of volumes dedicated to genetics and the effects of genetic disease on speech, hearing, education, and behavior, I answered affirmatively immediately. For one thing, this series reunites me with a publishing team that has shown its devotion to excellence that sits on the cutting edge of clinical practice. For another, it was this team that pioneered volumes on human genomics aimed at a previously naïve audience. There is little argument that for the most part, professionals in the behavioral sciences and education have not participated in the application of genetic and genomic science to their fields. There is also little argument that the advances in genomics are revolutionizing health care in all of its aspects, from heart disease to cancer treatment to psychiatry. Failure to capitalize on this field will not only result in poorer care for those we manage clinically, it will distance our professions from others with whom we should be interacting. Therefore, this series will include volumes covering both general and specific topic related to genetic disease. The authors will cover areas related to speech, language, hearing, cognition, education, behavior, and interdisciplinary care. The authors come from a select group of professionals who are at the pinnacle of their own fields, but who also recognize the value of necessary interaction with colleagues from other fields. We will hit the ground running with a substantial number of volumes over this next year and continue to add to the series thereby contributing to the translation of modern science to state-of-the-art care."