Plural Publishing produces leading academic, scientific and clinical publications in the fields of speech-language pathology, audiology, and otolaryngology.


Cued Speech and Cued Language for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Carol LaSasso, Kelly Lamar Crain, Jacqueline Leybaert
606 pages, Illustrated (B/W), Softcover, 7 x 10"
Release Date:


For speech and hearing professionals interested in natural language acquisition, the development of reading, and academic achievement of deaf and hard of hearing children this book provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on the research and practical applications of cued speech and cued language. It is also appropriate as a textbook for graduate courses in deaf education programs as well as libraries of schools serving deaf children across the country. Theoretically and empirically based, this book is a vital source of information to any advocate, professional, or parent of a deaf child.

Readers of this book will learn that cueing has moved far beyond Cornett’s 1966 invention of Cued Speech. This is true in terms of its use (by whom, how, and for what purposes); its status as a means of first-order language transmission; and cross-disciplinary contributions to numerous other fields of study, including: linguistics, psycholinguistics, cognition, speech science, hearing science, reading, and deaf education. Our understanding of visual language and communication has been enhanced by the inclusion of Cued Speech in academic dialogues by highlighting the similarities and differences among spoken, signed, and cued language. The book also covers the latest computer-generated aids to communication, which are either being developed for use with Cued Speech or were conceived because of Cued Speech. The expanding role of Cued Speech in the lives of hearing and deaf individuals (e.g., developmental, social, academic) is also discussed. Finally, readers of this book will understand how the case of Cued Speech lends further support to the notion that children, regardless of hearing status, have an irrepressible predisposition to acquire language, whether signed, spoken, or cued, whether alphabetic or tonal.


  • Patricia Spencer, PSpencer Consulting LLC, Rockport, USA, International Journal of Audiology 2011 (2011):
    "The editors of this volume clearly hope to encourage more research on and the use of CS/L. They have, toward these ends, compiled chapters (and some full or partial reprints of previous publications) from authors in Belgium, France, Spain, and the USA to provide a data base upon which to build . . . If you want to learn about Cued Speech/Language—or if you are interested in the possible integration of visual and auditory information for acquisition of language –this is a book you should read . . . This is a unique volume however, and readers will find it interesting at a number of levels. It could provoke re-thinking of some long-held attitudes about the language potential of deaf children, processing of multi-modal language input, and even the nature of the relation between languages and the modalities through which they are represented. And, it provides in one location what is known, thought, and hoped about the contributions of Cued Speech and Language to deaf children’s development. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn more about these topics."


  • Chapter 1: Why a Book about Cued Speech and Cued Language and Why Now? Carol LaSasso
  • Chapter 2 Fundamental Principles of Cued Speech and Cued Language Thomas Shull & Kelly Lamar Crain
  • Chapter 3 Cued Language: What Deaf Native Cuers Perceive of Cued Speech Melanie Metzger & Earl Fleetwood
  • Chapter 4 Psycholinguistic Study of Phonological Processes in Deaf Adult Cuers Daniel Koo & Ted Supalla


  • Chapter 5 Audiovisual Phonology: Lipreading and Cued Lipreading Jesus Alégria
  • Chapter 6 Cued Speech for Enhancing Speech Perception of Individuals with Cochlear Implants Jacqueline Leybaert, Cécile Colin, & Catharine Hage


  • Chapter 7 Early Linguistic Input Received by a Deaf Child Exposed to la Palabra Complementada During the Pre-Linguistic Period Ignacio Moreno-Torres & Santiago Torres
  • Chapter 8 Early Language Development of Congenitally Deaf Twins of Deaf Parents who are Native Cuers of American English Kelly Lamar Crain
  • Chapter 9 Experiences and Perceptions of Cueing Deaf Adults in the U.S. Kelly Lamar Crain and Carol LaSasso
  • Chapter 10 A Bilingual (ASL and Cued American English) Program for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students: Theory to Practice Kitri Larson Kyllo


  • Chapter 11 Cued Speech for the Development of the Alphabetic Principle Jacqueline Leybaert, Stephanie Colin, & Carol LaSasso
  • Chapter 12 Cued Language for the Development of Reading Comprehension Carol LaSasso and Kelly Lamar Crain
  • Chapter 13 Phonological Awareness, Short Term Memory, and Fluency in Hearing and Deaf Individuals of Different Communication Backgrounds Daniel Koo, Kelly Lamar Crain, Carol LaSasso, and Guinevere Eden
  • Chapter 14 Generative Rhyming Abilities of 10-14 Year Old Readers who are Deaf Kelly Lamar Crain and Carol LaSasso


  • Chapter 15 Children with Auditory Neuropathy/Auditory Dys-synchrony: The Value of Cued Speech in the Face of an Uncertain Language Development Trajectory Michelle Arnold & Charles Berlin
  • Chapter 16 Applications of Cued Speech with Deaf Children with Additional Disabilities Affecting Language Development Donna Morere
  • Chapter 17 Cued Spanish as L1: Teaching la Palabra Complementada to Spanish-Speaking Parents of Deaf Children in the U.S. Claire Klossner & Kelly Lamar Crain


  • Chapter 18 Lipreading, the Lexicon, and Cued Speech Lynne Bernstein, Edward Auer, & Jintao Jiang
  • Chapter 19 Analysis of Cued Speech Production and Perception: Toward a Complete Text-to-Cued Speech Synthesizer Virginie Attina, Guillaume Gibert, Marie-Agnès Cathiard, Gerard Bailly & Denis Beautemps
  • Chapter 20 Development of Speechreading Supplements Based on Automatic Speech Recognition Paul Duchnowski, David Lum, Jean Krause, Matthew Sexton, Maroula Bratakos, and Louis Braida
  • Chapter 21 Automatic Cued Speech Jean Krause, Paul Duchnowski, & Louis Braida
  • Chapter 22 An Automatic Visible Speech Supplement for Deaf Individuals’ Speech Comprehension in Face-to-Face and Classroom Situations Dominic Massaro, Miguel Carreira-Perpiñán, & David J. Merrill
  • Chapter 23 A Version of the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment for Cued Speech Transliterators: Prospects and Significance Jean Krause, Brenda Schick, & Judy Kegl
  • Chapter 24 How Cued Speech is Processed in the Brain: Directions for Future Research Mario Aparicio, Philippe Peigneux, Brigitte Charlier & Jacqueline Leybaert


About The Authors

Carol LaSasso

Dr. LaSasso is a Professor in the Department of Hearing, Speech, and Language Sciences at Gallaudet University in Washington D.C.

Kelly Lamar Crain

Kelly Lamar Crain, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Aural Habilitation: Deaf Education at the University of South Florida, Tampa. Dr. Crain earned a bachelor's degree in Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Southern Mississippi, and master's and doctoral degrees in Deaf Education from Gallaudet University. He became interested in Cued Speech while studying at Gallaudet and completed his doctoral dissertation on the effects of cueing on deaf readers' phonological awareness. Dr. Crain is also a licensed and certified teacher of students who are deaf and hard of hearing, a qualified educational interpreter, and a certified Cued Speech instructor.

Jacqueline Leybaert

Jacqueline Leybaert, PhD, is a Professor of Psychology at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. She teaches courses on language acquisition, cognitive development, sensory deficits and neural plasticity, and dyscalculia. Her dissertation examined phonological codes used by deaf children in reading, spelling, and short term serial memory. Since then, her research interests have focused on the effect of Cued Speech on “the three R’s.” More recently, she directed research related to audio-visual integration and speech perception in noise in children with cochlear implants. She has co-edited two books in French about linguistic and cognitive development in deaf children and has written numerous articles and book chapters about these topics.

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